How to change your server name

Changing your server name can always be a difficult task especially for a new game like Palworld. So I am going to make a guide to help others who need the help changing their Palworld server name!

Step #1 "Finding your way"

You are going to need to head into your "File Manager" and this is where we will stay for the rest of the guide. Once in your "File Manager", you will then make your way to the file named "DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini". Once here you will need to copy everything but the tip at the top!

Path you should take: / home / container / DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini

Now that we have got all of that copied, we can then move onto the next step.

Step #2 "Into the unknown"

We are going to need to find another file. This is the difficult part mostly because we have to dig deep into the files. You are gonna need to find a file called "PalWorldSettings.ini" and this is where we are going to need to paste in that huge line of code.

After that is done and pasted in, then find where it says "ServerName="Default Palworld Server" and that's where you can change your name. Make sure it is appropriate!

Path you should follow: / home / container / Pal / Saved / Config / LinuxServer / PalWorldSettings.ini

There you have it! Your server should be re-named! If you have any issues please let support know in our discord. (Look at the hint at the bottom of the screen!)

If you have any issues, make sure to refer back to this page or message support in our Discord!

Last updated