Setting a schedule

How the schedule works

With our game panel we use CRON Jobs. This is an automated system that will help restart your server when on a set schedule.

Setting up the schedule can be quite confusing as there really is no explanation for how it works. This is why I am making this guide for you all.

Step #1 "Finding the schedule"

You will first need to go into your game panel and locate the tab on the left named "Configuration". Once there click on it and there should be multiple new tabs that have popped up. We will need the one named "Schedules". Should look something like this:

Step #2 "Setting a schedule"

If you want your server to restart every 24 hours you can either do:

  • Set Minute to 0, Set Hour to */{HOUR}, Replace {HOUR} with however many hours you'd like to have the server restart.

  • Set Minute to 1440, and not touch anything else.

If you want to do any other time (Like every 8 hours) you would follow the same steps and replace the times given for the correct time instead.

If you have any issues, make sure to refer back to this page or message support in our Discord!

Last updated